Christine is an exceptional intuitive listener and compassionate mentor with thirty years of experience teaching individuals to find a centeredness in life, in their leadership, and within themselves. A self-employed resilience life coach who brings the power of choice and purpose into the customized individual development plans created to accompany individuals on their transformational journeys within their personal lives, their communities, or the organizations they are a part of. Each plan is tailored to and continually modified for the individual because the best and most sustainable learning comes in meeting people where they are at on their transforming journeys. No two people walk the same path; no plan can be the same for all.

In addition, Christine is a gifted life story writer and teacher whose ability to reframe stories provides emotional and spiritual healing for an individual transforming their pain, trauma, sorrow, despair, or grief. First, she published her life story: To the Moon and Back to Me: What I Learned from Four Running Feet. It was while using her intuitive listening skills as a life story writer and earning her MA in Organizational Leadership that her path intersected with a veteran and his service dog. In that way that no moment in life is coincidental, this encounter would guide Christine to write and publish her second book, Hope Has a Cold Nose.

Hope Has a Cold Nose is a collection of military veteran life stories co-authored with twenty-three extraordinary individuals about the healing effects of service animals for veterans journeying with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and military-sexual trauma (MST). Through compelling testimonies of how hope, dignity, and healing were found with the help of those with fur and cold noses, Christine reframes P.T.S.D. as pain, trauma, sorrow, despair in the hope of encouraging awareness, unconditional listening, and compassion. These twenty-three extraordinary stories inspire hope.

Christine is an enthusiastic advocate for holistic well-being, animals as healers, and to inspire unconditional listening and hope. When not writing, authoring, teaching, and coaching, Christine provides Free-lance writing services. Her inspiring writing style endears and engages support for the missions of non-profit organizations who strive to serve hope and healing.

Christine resides where her loudest neighbors are the bull frogs and blue herons, alongside her husband and their four-legged souls, each with a cold nose.
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