Corn for Chickens
The best corny jokes and other inanities
Why the title, you might wonder? Well, that is a bad joke in itself. Just as corn is considered a treat for chickens, so might this book be a treat for those who enjoy real groaners – that are, jokes that are so laughably unfunny, you can’t help smiling.
‘Chicken’ can also refer to one who feels fear, so be very afraid if you should think of retelling any of these jokes to others. If you are an intrepid wisecracker anyway, you may expect to be greeted with howls of derision before going to get your coat.
So there you have it. This is a collection of the corniest possible jokes, with a few witticisms thrown in here and there. We sincerely hope you enjoy not being very amused, and we promise that you won’t die laughing.
All your Christmas cracker
All your Christmas cracker jokes under one cover and then some. It is an amusing book of corny jokes, more of a giggle than a guffaw. The play on words (that is in their pronunciation) is particularly clever and funny. I’m fond of ‘Knock, Knock' jokes and there are some that made me smile. S.Saywack